Tuesday, March 26, 2013


weather is the best right now. spring. 60-70degree, breezy, sunny. ahhh
we've been going to our neighbor's yard to pick oranges and tangelos. it's so crazy, there are about 10 or more trees of citrus, & no one wants 'em!
i've been juicing about 8-10 of them everyday, adding juice from a fresh coconut & sometimes the actual coconut meat too...with some strawberries & blending. i made that the other day, and drank a huge glass of it in about 10 seconds.  imagine a (light) orange/strawberry creamsicle...
anyway. since it's warming up outside, i am leaning towards more smoothies and juices and less heavy greasy foods.

there is an asian grocery market near our house, and they sell fresh young coconuts in bulk! i got a cleaver too ($6), and know how to open those suckers with just one hit.
the smoothie above is:

1 banana
10 strawberries
2 mangos
handful of chard and spinach 
a couple ice cubes
coconut juice+coconut mean

little paper animals brought to ya by my niece and nephew
i also finally bought us some smoothie glass straws. don't worry i know they are super nerdy, my husband reminds me of this every time i give him one, ha. but i like drinking out of straws and don't like being wasteful. also, these glass straws have a lifetime warranty...soooo yeah.

another favorite, is fresh orange/tangelo juice with just the juice of a coconut (& sometimes a tiny bit of ginger juice)so good, and so good for you!